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    Sunday, July 5, 2015

    Lose Weight with the Mediterranean Diet

    It’s true that there are many types of diets, perhaps too many. But experts say that you should seek out the ones that are healthiest — the ones that in addition to helping you lose weight, give you essential nutrients. The mediterranean diet is an excellent option that you cannot miss out on.
    The mediterranean diet is rich in proteins, fiber, omega 3, whole grains, minerals, vitamins, and most importantly, there are barely any fats, flours, and industrial sugars. Let’s look at it closely.

    How Can the Mediterranean Diet Help Me Lose Weight?


    • In the first place, we should mention that the mediterranean diet does not directly correspond to a weight loss method in the strictest sense. It is about having some very healthy dietary habits in which, thanks to the ingredients and habits, regulating your weight, excluding everything else that can make you gain weight, or even get sick. Dietitians say that as a result, you can lose a kilo a week.
    • In other words, the mediterranean diet is beneficial not only for us, but also for the whole family. You should follow the basic principles of the recommended food pyramid by the WHO (World Health Organization).
    • The benefits of the mediterranean diet are based on its excellent amount of healthy fats. These are just the mono-unsaturated fats that come from olive oil and fatty acids like Omega 6.
    • This excludes animal protein, as well as red meat.
    • This is the diet that is the richest in antioxidants: fruit, dried fruit, vegetables, and legumes.
    • An excellent amount of fiber.
    • Thanks to the mediterranean diet, you can reduce your blood cholesterol, protect yourself from cardiovascular diseases, and take care of your weight thanks to the balanced amount of nutrients that exclude fats that are harmful to your body.

    What Foods Does the Mediterranean Diet Consist of?

    • Vegetables, dried fruits like walnuts, legumes, fruit like oranges, lemon, melon, apples, grapes…
    • Olive oil as a main source of fat.
    • Wine when consumed in moderate amounts. No more than a glass a day.
    • Fish like tuna, salmon, cod…
    • Pasta as a main source of carbohydrates.
    • If you eat meat, it should always be chicken or even better, turkey. These are lean meats.
    Lifestyle habits are also as beneficial in this balanced, varied, and healthy diet. Being under the sun everyday, absorbing necessary vitamin D, the importance of breakfast, eating as a family in a relaxed and calm way… these are habits that we sometimes forget because of our obligations. They are an essential part of your health.

    Rules for Following a Mediterranean Diet

    • Have 5 meals a day: breakfast, lunch, two snacks, and dinner. The goal is to eat balanced amounts five times a day and never in large amounts.
    • Don’t go without breakfast. This is basic for getting the energy you need to start the day and to balance out the amount for your whole day.
    • Don’t use butter. Always substitute it with olive oil.
    • Dinner should essentially be vegetable based.
    • Don’t leave out bread, it is essential for providing you with fiber. Choose whole grains. Rye and oats are highly suggested.
    • Spices are also highly recommended: oregano, basil, parsley, and especially garlic.
    • Sweets are not allowed. Substitute cow’s milk with vegetable milk.
    • We also recommend drinking a glass of wine a day, as well as two liters of water a day.

    Examples of the Mediterranean Diet


    Below are three meal plan examples. You can make the combinations you want in the following days knowing which foods are the healthiest in the mediterranean diet. It is important to always eat at the same time and that the fruit and vegetables are always fresh. If you are hungry between meals, you can resort to dried fruit like walnuts or pistachios. You should also try to have fresh and recently made fruit juices. Don’t forget to eat calmly and to walk for at least one hour a day.

    Meal Plan 1

    • Orange juice, whole wheat toast with honey.
    Mid-Morning Snack:
    • An apple
    • Salad with lettuce, half a pomegranate, and a splash of lemon
    • Baked chicken breast with lemon
    • Green tea
    Afternoon snack:
    • A cup of grapes
    • Spinach omelette with shrimp
    • Baked hake
    • Apple juice

    Meal Plan 2

    • A cup of oatmeal with two walnuts and a plum
    Mid-morning snack:
    • Low fat yogurt
    • Pasta salad with tomatoes, basil, black olives, and olive oil
    • Zucchini puree with oregano and pepper
    Afternoon Snack
    • A cup of apple marmalade
    • Baked eggplant
    • Lettuce and grated carrots
    • A chamomile and lemon balm tea

    Meal Plan 3

    • Almond milk and an apple
    Mid morning Snack
    • Whole toast with natural tomato spread
    • Whole rice with mushrooms
    • A salad with lettuce and two orange slices
    • Peach juice
    • Boiled artichokes with olive oil and a splash of vinegar
    • Spinach salad with pieces of turkey and pineapple
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