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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

WARNING There’s A New Deadly Disease Worse Than HIV

Human Papilloma Virus, also known as HPV, is accountable for an outbreak of a new deadly disease. It is predicted that the new epidemic is even deadlier than AIDS and will probably claim many lives. The following key points will explain why HPV is most likely deadlier than HIV.

1. The Condom Misconception
There is a common misconception saying condoms offer complete protection when it comes to protecting against most sexually transmitted diseases, including Aids/HIV. However, according to a new research, condoms do not provide 100% protection against HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). HPV can spread through skin-to-skin contact. This includes contact with infected areas of the skin that is not covered by the condom, such as the female and male genitalia. This can be especially serious for women because the HPV is a silent killer and can be inactive, meaning it can stay unnoticed even for several years before it attacks.
2. The HPV Nightmare
The name for a group of viruses that affect your skin and the moist membranes lining your body is the most widespread sexual transmitted disease in the United States, HPV, (Human papilloma virus). It can be transmitted through the cervix, anus, mouth and throat. There are over 100 types of HPV, and many of them can cause nasty looking warts.

3. A Prolific Virus
HPV is highly contagious and very common infection. It affects more than 3/4 of sexually active women at some point in their lives. HPV is sexually transmitted. However, skin-to-skin genital contact is yet another well-recognized mode of transmission. According to this, condoms cannot provide complete protection.
4. Contracting The Virus
HPV is mostly transmitted through sexual contact and many are infected with HPV shortly after the sexual activity. It is important to know that HPV can be spread even if the infected individual does not have symptoms or signs of the virus. In some cases it can take years for the symptoms to appear, and it can happen rarely for people to never experience any symptoms during their entire life.
5. Links To Cancer
Cancer of the cervix is by far the most common HPV disease. Nearly all cases of this type of cancer, which is leading cause of death in women around the globe, can be attributed to HPV infection. In fact, type 16 an 18, of the HPV, are responsible for nearly 70% of all cases of cervical cancer.
6. Danger To Women
Women are more prone when it comes to contracting the virus than men. Regarding rates of HPV transmission, male-to-female transmission rates are just 5%, which is higher than female-to-male transmission rates.
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