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Thursday, July 30, 2015

She Wrapped Her Belly in Plastic Wrap Every Night – The Result Was Stunning

Coleen, a mother of 3, tried various methods on losing weight, but none was as efficient as wrapping in foil. She says: “I didn’t like how I looked in a bathing suit. I’d been working on losing weight but the fact that I’ve had 3 children has left me with a less-than-stellar stomach . . . if ya know what I mean.”
She’d been hearing about body wraps on the internet, but when her friend recommended these from personal experience, she knew what to do. “I tried it and lost 0.5 inches on my gut on the first night,” explains Coleen.

Now she reveals her secret to a flat belly to all the women in the world who are skeptical and don’t believe in weight loss tricks.
What she recommends is a wallet-friendly version of body wraps, not the commercialized type.
Here’s her “secret recipe” for DIY Body Wrapping. You only need 3 things:
DIY body wrap supplies:
  • it’s best if it contains something from the ocean: seaweed, kelp, mud)
  • clear plastic wrap
  • bandage wrap
It’s a simple process!
Step 1 – Apply a thick layer of lotion to the area you want to target. Make sure not to rub it in completely. You can do it on your stomach, your thighs, your upper arms, wherever your “trouble spots” are.
Step 2 – Wrap the ENTIRE area with your plastic wrap several times. Make it snug but not tight; you do have to wear it ALL night long.

Step 3 – Now wrap the area with a long bandage of some kind, anything that will keep your wrap in place. Be sure to cover the plastic completely.
Secure it well and you’re ready to hit the sack!
The idea behind this is to help your body release water that’s retained due to weather or food consumption. The combination of lotion and plastic helps sweat it out of you.
“I’ve only tried it and I LOVED the result!  Maybe a little something to help get you swimsuit ready,” says Coleen.

Source: SugarBlossoms
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