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Sunday, July 26, 2015

These Three Spices Will Protect You From Getting Cancer

The following long – used East Indian tradition is justified even in today’s medical researches. It is about three easily available spices: turmeric, olive oil and pepper. If you consume these three great spices, you should not be scared of getting cancer.

Mix 1/4 of a tablespoon of turmeric with half a teaspoon of olive oil and add a pinch of ground black pepper. Mix all of the ingredients good. You can use the resulting as addition in salads of meals. You can consume it even without any food.

If you add this mixture into meals which need to be prepared first, add it in the end of the preparation process. This will make the remarkable spice mixture not to lose its nutrients. If you are going to consume the spice-mixture without any food, add a little water in order to thin its harsh flavor.
Turmeric is yellow dusty spice with incredible anti-inflammatory abilities which are incredibly powerful. This spice if the best known natural ingredient when it comes to fighting inflammation.
In their studies, researchers have proven that this spice prevents colon cancer, prostate cancer, brain cancer and breast cancer.

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